Saturday, December 3, 2011

December Relief Society Newletter

When I was a child I thought I was the luckiest girl in the whole world because I was born in December, the month where
everything was decorated so beautifully and everyone seemed full of joy. Actually, I still love having a birthday in December.
To me it is the most wonderful time of the year. I have such treasured memories of wonderful holiday traditions with my
family, as I’m sure many of you do as well.
This month I have been reflecting back 19 years ago when my oldest son was born on December 19th. I remember feeling so
happy and blessed that I was given this beautiful boy and thought about Mary and how she must have felt this same way
when Jesus was born. We are blessed to celebrate his joyful birth throughout this month. As we go about our holiday celebrations,
let us try to honor our Savior, who gave us everything, by giving of ourselves to others. Christ spent his mortal life
serving others, so what better way to honor his birth than to follow his example?
Seek out a lonely neighbor or friend. Smile at the clerks in the store. Donate to an Angel Tree. Provide Christmas for a
family who may go without this year. Go caroling at our local nursing home. The joy you bring to others will be given back to
you ten-fold as you see someone’s heart being touched. We are all aware that there is much heartache and suffering in our
world right now, but let us follow in our Savior’s footsteps and do all we can to make our brothers and sisters’ world a little
brighter and lighten their load. May your family be filled with peace and love this Christmas season.
Love, Trisha White

Mark Your Calendars
Ward Temple Night Thursday, Dec. 1st
Relief Society Activity No December activity
Book Group Dec —No mtg.

Jan Book Group "Silas Marner" by: George Elliot discuss
on Tues, Jan 24th @ 7:30 pm at Shirley Pasco's home

Zumba Every Mon & Wed—9:30 am @ our building

Ward Christmas Party
Friday, Dec 16th at the Rock Bldg Dinner to start at 6:00 p.m. Please
Sign-up to bring dessert/cookies from your homeland or mission area! Also
sign-ups for potato dish or salad.